Somewhere Innabag

Podcast on Podcast Ep. 1

Episode Summary

On this iconic first "official" episode of Somewhere, Innabag, we're talking with Team Sexxy, Foxy 99's G-Moniy and the Smash the Matt Podcast about How to Start a Podcast, all things wrestling and "the slap heard around the world!"

Episode Notes

Okay, so boom. This is technically not the "first" episode of Somewhere, Innabag. I've actually lost count. It started as just a random thing I was trying out on my YouTube page/blog. Next, I tested the waters in the podcast space by moving the party to the Anchor platform. NOW, finally, we have moved to our new and hopefully permanent home of Stream Yard so that I'm able to add the visual aspect. Doing the in-person interviews and then having to do post-production was becoming quite cumbersome. I'm enjoying StreamYard because I can not only stream live on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook but I can do all of my production within the platform and either automatically upload the live episode or download the video and audio and manually post. Currently looking into Simple Cast as a means for distribution so that the podcast can be made available any and everywhere people listen to their favorite podcasts. Please visit for more information. Somewhere, Innabag will live in multiple places but specifically for YouTube, it will co-exist with my other YouTube content. Somewhere, Innabag is an opinion based podcast that speaks about popular culture and incorporates motivational and entrepreneurial content.